California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Disclosure
The State of California adopted the Transparency in Supply Chains Act in 2010. The Act requires manufacturers such as Westlake to disclose efforts undertaken to combat slavery and human trafficking in their product supply chains.
Westlake and its personnel are committed to complying with all U.S. and applicable foreign laws. Our ethical standard is reflected in our “Code of Conduct” that summarizes the ethical conduct and compliance with all laws expected of employees and others who work on behalf of the Company. Westlake requires all employees, including employees who have direct responsibility over supply chain management, to be conversant with these rules and ensure compliance. Upon employment and periodically thereafter, employees are required to certify their compliance with the “Code of Conduct” or disclose any exceptions. Any observed possible unethical, illegal, or unsafe conduct, is encouraged to be reported. Reports can be made either through local management or in an anonymous fashion via a 24/7 ethics hotline and email account.